Monday, April 23, 2007

Sprouting sprouts and grassroots efforts

The sweet peas I had my kids push into the ground are beginning to sprout. It's so sweet to see.

Of course, the whatever herb my hubby planted in his makeshift indoor greenhouse (reused plastic insta-dinner container) is also sprouting, and at a speedier rate, even though he planted it later. But it is a makeshift greenhouse.

Which only makes me eye the corner of our property with even more greenhouse-lust. Year-round gardening. It would be lovely. We could curb our Pioneer Organics subscription to every other week instead of every week perhaps. Save ourselves a few bucks and have fun doing it.

Plus, it's fun to hook the kids on this kind of thing.

And if the backyard doesn't work -- and, actually, even if it does, we plan to join the resurging BUGS (Bridging Urban Gardens Society) -- a group of community garden enthusiasts who are forming a sort of guerrilla work party. Don't have time to monitor a plot on a weekly basis? Already have a backyard haven but want the other benefits of a community garden. Then this is the group for you ... come help weed or otherwise take care of another established community garden, and take advantage of the community aspect, being in the garden, and feel good about helping some folks out. It's a good thing.

Want to know more? E-mail me and I'll make sure you do.

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